Why does this always happen to me? If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, you’re not alone, and I want to help you find the answer. Do you feel like the Devil gets all the best things in life while God seems to punish you at every turn? Or do you wonder why bad things happen to good people? Maybe it’s time we take a look at God and the Devil together, and see which one really has your back...
Who is God?
God is the creator of the universe and everything in it. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good. He is a loving God who desires to have a relationship with us. A person who doesn't believe in God would see the devil as an entity that lives on earth because he represents evil or those people don't want to accept God's will.
The devil's agenda is to get the man away from God so he can rule over him forever, so his goal would be for good people (like Christians) not to go out into society and fight for their beliefs or defend them because they are letting themselves be distracted by worldly things.
Who is the devil?
The devil is a metaphor for the evil that exists in the world. It's the force that leads people to do bad things, like hurt others or lie. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if someone is under the influence of the devil, but there are usually tell-tale signs, like a sudden change in behavior or a lack of empathy. If you think someone might be possessed by the devil, the best thing to do is to stay away from them.
We all have free will
Though we may not always like it, we each have free will and the power to choose what we do with our lives. Sometimes, the choices we make are influenced by outside forces beyond our control. But ultimately, it is up to us to decide what we do with our lives.
You must make an effort to be good
There's no denying that bad things happen to good people. But it's important to remember that you can't control everything that happens to you—you can only control your reaction to it. So if something bad happens, don't beat yourself up about it or dwell on it too much. Just try to learn from it and move on.
Choosing Good Over Evil
We are all faced with choices every day, some big and some small. But each choice we make affects our lives and the world around us. Every time we choose to do good, we are helping to make the world a better place. But when we choose evil, we are only making things worse.
Being bad feels good but brings consequences later on
We all know the saying, what goes around, comes around. Unfortunately, this is true for both the good and bad things we do in life. When we make poor choices, it may feel good at the moment, but later on, we always end up regretting them. That's because there are consequences to our actions, whether we realize it or not. And usually, those consequences are not pleasant. So why do we continue to make the same mistakes over and over again?
Yes, you must do good things because it's the right thing
You might be wondering why this happens to you. Why do you always have to be the one who does good things, even when it's hard? The answer is simple: because it's the right thing to do. You were put on this earth to make a difference, and that's what you're doing. Keep up the excellent work!
Sins are sins and they are awful, even if nobody knows
We do things we know are wrong and do them anyway because we're weak. We sin and then ask forgiveness, but sometimes it feels like our prayers go unanswered. Why does this happen to me? Is God really listening?
Sins are funny because we think we can get away with them
We think that we can get away with our sins because we are not living in a world of black and white- there are a lot of gray areas. We rationalize our actions and tell ourselves that it's not really that bad. But the truth is, it is bad. And it will catch up to us eventually. We may not see the consequences of our actions right away, but they will come back to haunt us. So why does this happen to us?
We need each other’s help to avoid sinning
God and the devil are two forces that battle for our souls. It’s a constant struggle between good and evil, and we are caught in the middle. To avoid sinning, we need each other’s help. We need to be aware of the temptations that the devil puts in our path, and we need to have the strength to resist them. God gives us this strength, but we have to be willing to accept it. Only then can we hope to avoid sinning.