Instagram and YouTube are two of the most popular social media networks out there today, but they’re also two of the most confusing when it comes to marketing your business or yourself as an individual. Many people try using Instagram or YouTube but quickly stop when they find that they aren’t getting any exposure or traffic from their efforts, making them feel like the time they invested was wasted. In reality, both platforms offer lots of opportunities to market yourself and your business, you just need to learn how to do it effectively and consistently so you don’t burn out after only a few weeks.
Choose a few pieces of your best content
If you're looking to build your social media presence, there's no better platform than Instagram. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a great way to connect with potential customers and create engaging content. But it's not enough to just post on Instagram - you also need to be active on other platforms, like Twitter and YouTube. Here are a few tips for using Instagram and YouTube to build your social media presence - You should post at least three times per week on Instagram and five times per week on Twitter.
- Create compelling images that tell a story or showcase the benefits of your product or service.
- Use hashtags to increase engagement and reach new audiences. Hashtags will help others find your content when they search those terms in Instagram's search bar.
- Share videos that feature the customer experience of your products or services (e.g., testimonials). It can be powerful to hear from someone who has used the product firsthand and seen the results for themselves!
Plan ahead before posting
When you're trying to grow your social media following, it's important to have a plan before you start posting. First, decide which platform or platforms you want to focus on. For example, if you're a visual artist, you might want to focus on Instagram. If you're a musician, you might want to focus on Twitter and YouTube. Once you've decided which platform or platforms to focus on, take some time to learn about the best ways to use them for marketing. There are lots of great resources out there (including this one!) that can help you get started. Twitter is a great place to share content that other people have created. Instagram is perfect for artists because you can post pictures of your work along with short captions that tell people what you’re up to. YouTube is another video-sharing site where musicians often post videos of themselves performing live in front of an audience. Facebook has many benefits: It’s perfect for musicians because people often search for music by name, genre, or location on FaceBook; it’s also a good place to find new fans who like your genre; lastly, FaceBook has its own integrated marketing solution called Facebook Ads where companies can advertise their products within Facebook itself—a space over 1 billion people visit every day!
Engage with your followers on multiple platforms
Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are all great platforms for engaging with your followers. If you're not sure where to start, try posting on each forum at least once a day. For example, you could post a photo on Instagram, a video on YouTube, and a tweet on Twitter. You can also use hashtags to help people find your content. Try using #Instagram #Youtube #Twitter to get more attention from users of those specific networks. Don't forget about the importance of engagement: Follow other accounts that share the same interests as yours and make comments or send messages when you do follow someone new. It's essential to show interest in others' posts so they will want to return the favor! This is an introduction to how I use Instagram and YouTube to grow my social media presence. The three main places I spend time are Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. They're my go-to places for uploading content I create and finding cool things posted by others in the community. These sites allow me to see different perspectives than what is shared on FaceBook. I am constantly making updates (often 5+ times per day) across these three sites which allows me to grow my following quickly while keeping myself active within each site's community.
Monitor what works
Check what content gets the most engagement on each platform and adjust accordingly. If you're consistently getting good engagement on Instagram but not so much on Twitter, spend more time creating content for Instagram. Also, don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content to see what works best for you. For example, you could try a mix of videos, photos, and stories. Finally, make sure to monitor your analytics so you can see how your efforts are paying off. You'll want to know how many followers you have, which posts get the most views or likes, etc. If people are tuning out of your Twitter feed but they're watching your Instagram story religiously, it might be worth investing more time in Instagram to gain traction elsewhere. It's all about finding what resonates with your audience, and it will change over time as tastes change.
In terms of how to measure success: Monitor what content is performing well (and post more of that), learn from others' successes (Twitter users often post links to other peoples' Instagram accounts as an endorsement) and establish clear goals for each social network, set goals for yourself based on follower count or video views, find influencers who share the same niche interests as you do and engage them by following them, ask questions when posting a video- this should lead other people who feel similarly connected to chime in too.
Get help from tools
Social media marketing is a necessary evil for modern businesses. By using platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, you can reach a wide audience with minimal effort. However, it can be difficult to know where to start. Luckily, there are plenty of tools out there to help you get the most out of your social media marketing efforts. Here are some helpful tips for making the most of Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube —Use Twitter to post links, make announcements, and engage in conversations with followers.
—Use Instagram to post images from your business or blog that appeal to your target demographic. Followers will not only see beautiful pictures but they’ll also feel as though they’re part of the process as well.
—Post videos on YouTube that highlight different aspects of your company or show tutorials on how to use one of your products or services.
Make sure you are posting at the right time
It is important to make sure you are posting at the right time on social media. This means different things for different platforms. For example, on Twitter, the best time to post is between 1pm and 3pm, while on Instagram, the best time is between 9am and 11am. Facebook is different again, with the best times being 2pm and 4pm. You can use a tool like Hootsuite to help you figure out the best times to post on each platform. Instagram and Twitter users will want to post their photos in vertical format, which allows them to stand out from other posts. YouTube videos should be short and sweet, ideally about thirty seconds long so that they’re easy to watch but still cover the topic adequately. Make sure that they have captions so people who are hearing impaired or don't speak English as their first language can understand what's going on. Instagram photos work well if they're square (it helps if you post them vertically), bright, clear, and show a person's face clearly. Twitter should have tweets of at least twenty characters or less because people get bored if there's too much text scrolling down the screen without a break.
Build up an email list
You can use Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to build your email list. By providing valuable content on these platforms, you can attract potential customers and get them to sign up for your mailing list. This is a great way to increase sales and grow your business. For example, if someone follows you on Instagram, they will be more likely to follow you on Twitter as well. Use this connection by sending updates about promotions or deals exclusively through Instagram and also promote your posts there too. Another good idea is to post short video clips from YouTube directly onto Facebook or Instagram so people are not only following you but also watching your videos! Remember that when posting on FaceBook or Instagram, you need to have the appropriate hashtags to generate traffic and reach new audiences. Instagram has become one of the most important sites for gaining attention because it is such an image-based platform.
Don’t overdo it
People are visual. Instagram and YouTube are powerful because they show us instead of just telling us. Facebook is great for staying in touch with family and friends, but Twitter is where people go to find out what’s happening. When using these platforms for marketing, don’t overdo it with hashtags, emojis, and constant posting. Be genuine, be you, and post content that you would want to see. It will make it easier to get followers and shares on Instagram, likes on Facebook, subscribers on YouTube, retweets on Twitter, and favorites on Facebook. The more engagement you have, the more often your posts will come up when someone searches those platforms. That’s why Instagram has the best time to post feature: so that posts won’t look spammy if there are too many scheduled posts at one time. With Twitter, schedule two or three tweets per day.
A good rule of thumb for Instagram is to post twice per day: once in the morning (6am-11am) and once in the evening (6pm-11pm). On YouTube, aim for four or five videos per week (if possible). For FaceBook posts, try posting once every other day.