Hard Things Are Actually Fun Once You Trick Your Brain Into Doing Them

We’ve all done it. As soon as something becomes difficult, we quickly get frustrated and simply give up because we think this is too hard or we don’t have time to do this. But by doing that, you’re missing out on many valuable experiences that can bring you happiness and personal growth – and I’m going to show you how to trick your brain into thinking that hard things are actually fun once you know how to do them!


It can be tough to find the motivation to do hard things. But if you trick your brain into thinking that hard things are actually fun, you'll be more likely to get started and see them through. Here's how

Set up a reward system

A great way to trick your brain into liking hard things is to set up a reward system. For example, if you want to start working out, give yourself a small treat after every workout. This could be something as simple as a piece of candy or a new pair of socks. After a while, your brain will start to associate the hard thing (working out) with the reward (the candy or socks), and you'll find yourself looking forward to the hard thing because you know there's a reward at the end.

Build in breaks and rewards

When you're trying to trick your brain into liking hard things, it's important to build in breaks and rewards. Otherwise, your brain will just get overwhelmed and stressed. So take a break every 20 minutes or so, and give yourself a small reward (like a piece of candy) when you finish a task.

Change your mindset

One way to trick your brain into liking hard things is to change your mindset. Instead of thinking of something as difficult, think of it as a challenge or an opportunity to learn. When you see hard things as positive instead of negative, you're more likely to be motivated to do them.

Fixating on failure won’t help

When you trick your brain into thinking about all of the fun things that could happen as a result of taking on a hard task, you’re more likely to succeed. Plus, fixating on failure won’t help because it will only make the task seem harder than it actually is. So go out there and trick your brain into doing some hard things – you might be surprised at how much fun you have!

Schedule fun events before starting a project

Tricking your brain into liking hard things is all about scheduling fun events before starting the project. This could be anything from listening to music while you work to taking a break to do something you enjoy after completing a task. By breaking up the monotony of a project and adding in some fun, you'll find that hard things aren't so bad after all.

Learn from others’ experiences

One way to trick your brain into liking hard things is to learn from others’ experiences. Reading about or watching someone else do something can make it seem less daunting. And, if they’ve made it through the challenge, you can too!